Prepare: Commercial Driver

What will I learn?
You will have access to self-paced study materials and practice tests to help prepare you to pass the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) commercial learner permit exams.
What do I need?
A desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device with internet is needed to access the study materials and practice exams.
How long will this take?
The study materials and practice tests are self-paced and time requirements will vary based on individual commitment.
What can I do after completing these courses?
Once you feel prepared to pass the DMV’s commercial learner permit exams, you can schedule an appointment on the DMV’s website to take the exams. We recommend that you study for and take one permit exam at a time.
After you have successfully passed all three permit exams and obtain your commercial learner permit, you will be eligible for Red Hook on the Road’s Commercial Driver Training Program. Graduates of the program are supported in finding a job as a commercial driver.