Prepare: Cable Installer

Prepare: Cable Installer

Cable cutters in the hands of an internet connection installer wearing a face covering

Introduction to Electricity

Provided by:

Brooklyn Networks logo
Female computer technician connecting cable in server room

How can I access this resource?

Please explore and discover this career before you begin this step.

What will I learn?

You will have access to self-paced training courses through which you will learn the basics of electricity and electrical work, including transmission and distribution of electricity, electrical circuits, electrical currents, and more. These courses are offered through a limited number of 180 Skills licenses provided to qualified applicants at no cost and will help prepare you for future work as a cable installer.

What do I need?

A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet with internet and audio is necessary to access the 180 Skills course content.

How long will this take?

The training courses are self-paced and time requirements will vary based on individual commitment.

What can I do after completing these courses?

After you have completed these courses and find cable installation to be the right career path for you, you can apply for the Brooklyn Networks cable installer training program.

Complete the enrollment form below to get started.

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